Friday, December 08, 2006

As winter descends on Gypsy Creek, there is finally time to return inward and reflect on life. All of the outdoor chores have been completed. The last carrots have been dug from the garden. The firewood has been cut and stacked in the woodshed.

My first full year of semi-retirement has seen a passionate return to painting. Each day, I arrive in the studio after breakfast, working on average 3 to 4 hours. Over the course of this year, I produced approximately 60 paintings of various sizes, selling over half at various shows, both here at Gypsy Creek and at other galleries.

Although music still figures prominently in my life, in the form of bi-weekly music jams, I have not performed professionally for a some years now. My defunct music website still exists in cyberspace ( but has not been updated for years. I have no idea who hosts it now, or how to update it. I imagine it will simply be removed at some point. For those interested in my past musical career, it is at least an interesting historical document.

Like music, my poetry has taken a back seat to my current passion for the visual arts. It seems I can only direct my creative energies in one direction at a time.

Well, its time to fill the woodstoves and once again head off to the studio.
